Parent Resources
It's just a phase...so don't miss it
At New Life Church, we hope to be an influence in the life of your kids. However, we know that we aren't the only influence. In fact, “whereas a church only has 40 hours of potential influence with kids each year, the average parent or guardian has 3,000 hours of potential influence" (thinkorange.com). Because the world moves fast and it is hard to keep up with the latest trends, we want to help! We believe that when the Church and parents work together, we can have a much greater influence. In other words, we are better together. We don’t claim to know it all, but here are a few resources we want to make you aware of:
Book Recommendations
- Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About Sexual Purity by Jason and Kris Vallotton
- The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley
- Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality by Jim Burns
- Preparing for Adolescence by James Dobson
- The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
- Boundaries with Kids (When to say yes, when to say no, to help your children) by Henry Cloud
- Sticky Faith by Dr. Kara Powell
- Playing for Keeps/ Losing Your Marbles by Reggie Joiner
- Parenting Beyond your Capacity by Carey Nieuwhof & Reggie Joiner
Blogs/ Websites
https://moralrevolution.com/hot-topics/ (blog about relationships, sex, and more)
https://thebibleproject.com (great for bible studies)
https://x3watch.com (website to help people struggling with porn)
https://relevantmagazine.com (website to keep you up-to-date on pop culture)
https://www.lovingonpurpose.com/blog/how-do-you-talk-to-your-pre-teen-about-sex (blog about faith, relationships, and communication)
https://www.pluggedin.com/ (website to help review current movies, music, and more)
http://theparentcue.org (website with tips, blogs, and ideas for parents)
http://justaphase.com (For leaders who care about every phase of growing up)
Podcast (can be found on iTunes)
Married People Podcast
Focus on the Family Podcast
Parent Cue Live Podcast
YouVersion Reading Plan • Parenting with Wisdom - Take 7 days to complete this Bible Plan by searching “Parenting with Wisdom” on the YouVersion Bible App.
We believe joining together with parents is the best strategy in reaching and growing the personal faith of the next generation. That’s why we want to partner with you to support your family. Please email us at info@newliferh.com with any questions you may have. We would love to hear from you!
**NOTE: We do not control the content of the resources that are listed.